Mar 1, 2012


作者:何杨、刘威 发表时间:2012-03-01 概要: 鉴于房地产税不同于其他税种的特质,发达国家在征管模式选择中都注意保证房地产税征收的公平、公正和透明。这些征管目标主要通过独立设置房地产税评估和征管机构、必要...
Working papers
Mar 1, 2012
Jan 7, 2011


作者:曹静 发表时间:2011-01-07 概要: 在当前全球气候变化的政治背景下,温室气体的排放及其全球影响已经日益受到世界各国的关注。人类原因排放的温室气体——包括化石燃料燃烧释放的二氧化碳,植被减少造成过多的...
Working papers
Jan 7, 2011
Jan 7, 2011

Decentralization and Environment in China

Keywords:环境经济,城市与环境,Market Decentralization, Fiscal Decentralization, SO2 Emission, Industrial Dusts, China. Author:Canfei He; Fenghua Pan Date:2011-01-07 Summary: Economic reform has r...
Working papers
Jan 7, 2011
Jan 7, 2011

The Incidence of Carbon Tax in China

Author:Jing Cao Date:2011-01-07 Summary: A major concern with carbon pricing to reduce emissions is that the burden of the costs arising from the policy might fall disproportionately on poorer hous...
Working papers
Jan 7, 2011
Jan 7, 2011

Industrial Air Pollution in Chinese Cities: A Perspective of Economic Transit...

Keywords:环境经济;城市与环境;Industrial pollution, economic transition, SO2 emission, industrial dust, China Author:Canfei He; Fenghua Pan; Yan Yan Date:2011-01-07 Summary: China has received co...
Working papers
Jan 7, 2011