Locational Distribution of Foreign Banks in China: A Disaggregated Analysis


作者:Canfei He; Godfrey Yeung



This paper examines two major propositions about the location choices made by foreign banks of different organizational form and size in China: foreign banks could follow the competitors and customers, and/or pursue first-mover cities and local currency banking in their location choices. Results from the conditional logit models suggest different types of foreign banking institutions display distinctive location patterns. Smaller foreign banks tend to pursue the 'follow the customer’ strategy, while larger banks are likely to use the ‘follow the competitor’ strategy in China. The agglomeration effect is more important than the first-mover cities as a determinant of the location choices make by foreign banks in China. This finding could be partially explained by the location-bounded institutional variables which are unable to be fully reconciled with the recent deregulation policies.
关键词:Foreign Banks;Location Choices;Conditional Logit Model;China;产业区位

