北大-林肯中心将于2015年暑假期间继续“培训培训者(Training the Trainers)”项目。本年度培训的主题为“规划、法律和产权”,北大-林肯中心将邀请该领域三位国际知名学者进行授课。他们是荷兰阿纳姆-内梅亨大学Barrie Needham荣休教授、美国威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校Harvay M. Jacobs教授和澳大利亚格里菲斯大学Darryl Low Charles Choy教授。三位教授的授课内容如下:
Barrie Needham(荷兰阿纳姆-内梅亨大学荣休教授)
Harvay M. Jacobs(美国威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校教授)
Darryl Low Charles Choy(澳大利亚格里菲斯大学教授)
Prof. Barrie Needham, Emeritus Professor of Spatial Planning, Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands
1. Land market, property right and tenure structure
What are rights in landed property? For whom are they useful? How and by whom may they be exercised? How may that exercise be restricted? The rights and the duties associated with a particular property right. Who enforces the exercise of property rights when necessary? Relationship with the legal system. Markets in property rights. How can a right be valued? Different types of property regimes / tenure. The role which property rights play when land is developed.
2. The role of planning and land use regulation in land market
Different types of planning instruments,and different types of land-use regulations. The use of those instruments and regulations can restrict the use of property rights, and/or restrict the transfer of property rights. Interaction between public planning and private property rights. What that means for land markets. And for the value of landed property. Compensation for loss of value? Creaming off betterment? Land-use planning when the government regulates how others use their property rights,and land-use planning when the government actively buys and sells property rights. In both cases, public planning can be misused for financial gain: ways of combatting this.
3. Case study: The Dutch spatial planning
The aim here is to illustrate some of the general points made in the first two sessions by reference to one particular and well-documented case of large-scale development in the Netherlands.
Prof. Harvey Jacobs, Professor of Urban and Regional Planning, University of Wisconsin- Madison, USA
1. Evolution of property rights in land: international comparison
The ability to control and own land is most often expressed as the ability to control and own certain rights associated with land. What is contained within the so-called bundle of rights is different in different countries, and in all countries has changed (and is changing) as a function of changing social values and changing technology. This presentation examines this evolution and comparison from the time of the American and French Revolutions to the present and into the future.
2. Farmland preservation, land expropriation,regulatory takings
The right of government to regulate privately owned and used land, and the parallel right of government to expropriate privately owned and used land are subjects of great controversy in countries around the world. This is true no matter acountry’s stage of development or their specific legal system. Using the case example of efforts for farmland preservation in developed countries, this presentation examines how different countries seek to balance the right of individuals, the right of government (representing the public), and the right of the market.
3. Case study: planning law and practices in the U.S
The United States is a country with a high level of administrative and fiscal decentralization, a strong system of private property rights, general skepticism about governmental action and intervention, and a strong respect for market activity. Given these characteristics, this presentation examines the challenges of – and tensions within – planning law and practice in the U.S.
Prof. Darryl Low Choy, Professor of Environment and Landscape Planning, Griffith University, Australia
1. Legal underpinnings of metropolitan planning systems: an Australian perspective
This presentation will establish how land use rights can be derived from the statutory land use planning systems as opposed to property rights associated with land ownership. Using an Australia case study,it will then examine the implications for metropolitan planning of such a system where land is predominantly held in private ownership.
2. Metropolitan growth management through statutory land use planning: the supporting legal framework
The second presentation will build on the first and examine the legal framework supporting a statutory land use planning approach to metropolitan growth management. It will cover the legal head of power required for such a system and the ensuring collaborative planning requirements within a regional administrative hierarchy. It will also briefly consider the role of public engagement in this planning system. This presentation will be supported with an Australian regional case study.
3. Protection of environmental infrastructure and cultural assets through metropolitan statutory land use planning:
The focus for the final presentation will shift to the public estate and how statutory land use planning can be employed for the protection and management of public assets (predominantly environmental infrastructure and cultural resources). It will address these issues through the len of the previous Australian regional case study.
Note: Each session is expected to take 3 hours,including a 0.5 hour break
申请须知:1) 在线申请地址为:
http://www.plc.pku.edu.cn/index.php?optionid=729 (恕不接受其他形式申请,请附个人学术简历);2) 申请时间:2015年1月1日-5月15日;3) 联系人:金涛(电话010-62756535;邮箱:jint@plc.pku.edu.cn)