
【2017-06-03】On the afternoon of June 2, 2017, Peking University - Lincoln Institute Center (PLC) held the 40th academic lecture with the theme of "Housing - the engine of economic growth and social integration. The speaker is Marja Elsinga, Professor of Housing System and Management Institute of Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands. She is one of the most celebrated Dutch experts in the field of comparative housing with years of experience in leading international multidisciplinary team. She has been focusing on the links between housing and welfare, as well as how does housing contribute to a sustainable and inclusive society.

Marja Elsinga教授简单介绍了住房政策的含义以及世界不同地区住房政策的发展阶段,并从家庭、政府等角度解释了住房所有权的重要性。Marja Elsinga教授介绍了住房的制度分层模型,认为对于与住房有关的制度因素可以分为(资源配置、政府、正式制度和非正式制度)四层,并强调资源配置和正式制度在其中尤为重要。但当出现市场和政府失灵时,非正式制度将会发挥很大作用。


随后,Marja Elsinga教授展示了欧洲国家的房屋所有权情况,并根据事实数据提出了“房屋所有权悖论”,即家庭收入越高,房屋所有权率越高;而国家收入越高,房屋所有权率越低。此外,关于当前世界各国的住房政策,Marja Elsinga教授认为事实表明住房与福利之间的联系愈发紧密,将住房视作一种养老金是当前重要的一种看法。


讲座上,Marja Elsinga教授与到场的师生及微信直播平台的观众进行了交流,针对目前中国的公共住房政策以及中国分税制背景下的土地政策等问题展开了探讨。


